Category Archives: ja

Alik, Alik

[If These Trees Could Talk – From Roots To Needles] Średnia długość kości piszczelowej i udowej dorosłego to ~87cm. Gdyby każdy miał złożyć swoje kości piszczelowe i udowe jedna nad drugą, łącznie byłoby to około 174cm. Łączna ilość zabitych w obu wojnach światowych to mniej więcej 103500000. Gdyby ułożyć same ich kości piszczelowe i udowe […]

I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times

No regrets and no remorse  Do I regret and not a single moment will I ever repent Will I ever repent

So bend your knee

I am cut from the cloth of Judas and have seen his face in mine

Sorrow will find you

„Hey All- I made it to Topolobampa, Mexico, about 500 miles in. Not a ton of time to write because the internet place is closing in two minutes. I decided I’m writing a book for sure, assuming I make it, so I’ll keep everyone up on that. More soon. Clayton.” — [Katatonia – Old Heart […]

Never again, no never again

„We mortal people have to play what we have. I still think you should go with your feelings.” —- [Fallujah – The Void Alone] Tell me secrets of life and death For I foresee my grave I don’t want to face The Void Alone The warmth in me Swallowed whole

Our hearts never knew what faith conjured

Life worth continuing – present-life sense -> judgment about already existing person. Life worth starting – future-life sense -> judgment about potential (non-existing) person. Problem occurs when „present-life perspective” is applied to „future-life” sense. When we talk about impairments, we think how they affect already existing life („present-life sense”). Impairments: -> those which make life […]


In the second half of the epic, Gilgamesh’s distress at Enkidu’s death causes him to undertake a long and perilous journey to discover the secret of eternal life. He eventually learns that „Life, which you look for, you will never find. For when the gods created man, they let death be his share, and life […]

And let the animal hunt

On the mountainside


Clearing the Path to Ascend   

There’s a stranger at the door

– How do you feel? – Bad. – So why are you smiling?