Category Archives: quo

Yearning to know

I postanowiłem sobie poznać mądrość i wiedzę, szaleństwo i głupotę. Poznałem, że również i to jest pogonią za wiatrem, bo w wielkiej mądrości – wiele utrapienia, a kto przysparza wiedzy – przysparza i cierpień. —- [Yob – Marrow] All these things That have come to pass Emptied well Of times that never last All these […]

Unburden us of pain

And really even though I am far more observant and self-aware than most people I really cannot even come close to understanding what is happening to my brain. Why? Consider the following example. Have you ever noticed that once in a while you remember something from your childhood that is totally random and is brought […]


From childhood’s hour I have not been As others were—I have not seen As others saw—I could not bring My passions from a common spring— From the same source I have not taken My sorrow—I could not awaken My heart to joy at the same tone— And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone

This will be my monument

If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being […]

The truth is the same

If we conquer the years and fight through the tears There is nothing that can stand in our way Nothing can stand in our way And nothing can make the world go away

In terrible silence you stood

At the world’s end

And the myths of liberty

Bind our wrists like slaves

Let go

[Sólstafir – Miðaftann] The person who must always be in control and autonomous will not be able to access healing and transformative process. If you cannot submit, you cannot die, and if you cannot die, you cannot be reborn.

As I contemplate my own demise

Death is a constant presence in my life, as I disintegrate from within and from without. It is no stranger, but a comforting horizon. I would not seek it actively – but I am often terrified by the abhorrent thought of immortality. I would have gladly lived forever as an abstract entity. But, as I […]

Deaf to our pleas

Jeśli mam być szczery, to nie wiem, dlaczego żyję i dlaczego nie kładę życiu kresu. Klucz tkwi prawdopodobnie w zjawisku irracjonalności życia podtrzymującego życie bez powodu. A jeśli powody życia są jedynie absurdalne? Czyż jednak można je wówczas nazywać powodami? Ten świat nie zasługuje na to, by poświęcać mu jakąś ideę lub wiarę. W jakim […]